Wednesday, June 20, 2007

June 19,2007 Historical Sites of Downtown Memphis

Today, after our lunch break we walked towards the downtown area. When we first started walking, the first thing we saw was abandoned and boarded up houses. The first things we started noticing was how old the buildings were, so the first that came to mind was when was the building built. As we came to a street called mulberry, we noticed a man walking down the street. Coincidently, he was a protestor from that march at the Lorraine Motel. He talked to us about him
spending the last 17 days of Martin Luther King's life with him. I was very interested in what he was telling us. After that, we started seeing even more buildings and i started getting even more interested. So I decided when I come to work tomorrow I want to research more information on the diffent building in sited in our neighborhood. AS EACH DAY PASSES IM GETTING MORE INTERSTED IN THE PEABODY VANCE AREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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